Monday, December 12, 2005

Week 2. Weekend.

So I showed steve my animatic and his reaction was 'I only understood about 70% of that' uh oh.... Anyway he gave me some top notch advice and stuff so all is good! and then we went to the market! WOOO, It was exactly the same as last week except this time I had my camera. well not the first time I went , I forgot it, but went back after steve went to go meet Tom. Steve was nice.

Heres the bridge... mmm what a lovely warm day

and there is slightly further over the bridge.

and there's the market

YES THATS RIGHT, they are spit roasting chickens in racks on the side of an HGV in a market! far from the broken old tables and dirty tarpaulin of British markets.

a fully functioning bakery...

and dead stuff.

and a cat


I also noticed on the way home, the streets appear to be littered with christmas trees, christmas trees just leaning against houses and shop windows. It's very strange indeed, why would people just leave christmas trees lying in the streets?
Its almost as if everybody in the whole city went to go and buy a christmas tree, but they were all diseased by some sort of fairy witch, and as soon as people got them home, they just dissapeared, and all thats left is the tree, lying outside the front of the house. I shall investigate some more when I have light for some photographic proof.

The rest of my time this weekend was making an animatic (that people may beable to follow) so that was fun, I used a real light box and everything.


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