Thursday, December 08, 2005

Week 2, Day 3

Well, I have a whole new batch of sequences to start now. All I am going to say is I am glad I dont do this all day everyday. Although it is odly satisfying.

Anyhoo, I have crazy 3D camera angles and all sorts now, so its fun fun fun.
Well theats that I thought but I didnt have the files to work from so I ended up spending half the day doing nothing.

But I did get some help from Frederic on Compositing in shake and Rendering in layers with maya. Theres so much infomation that I just dont understand . I need to emply a technition I think. :D
Anyhoo, we spent most of the afternoon going through that, and then he was telling me about what he did on Thunderbirds and Charlie in the Chocolate factory which was pretty cool. He got angry when talking about the featuretts on the Charlie and the chocolate factory DVD, they don't even mention the fact that most of the UmperLumpers are CG, it basically says that its just the actor and multiplied, but most of the dancing is motioncaptured dancers applied to a CG model of the guy.

Anyhoo, after work I started on the maya animatic for 'Thomas' so thats pretty fun... Heres a still...
Im just blocking out the scenes in maya and animating the camera moves, ooh and tying out lighting etc.


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